Ground Beetle


Facts & Identification

Actual Size: 1.5 to 25 mm

Characteristics: Dark black or brown, slightly flat and elongated

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: 2 pairs, but unable to fly

Habitat: Live and breed in the soil, often under rocks, logs, leaves, and more.


  • Sometimes confused with cockroaches as they are both dark and shiny.
  • When exposed, ground beetles move quickly to find shelter but rarely fly.
  • Ground beetles are short-lived indoors and do not reproduce inside structures.

Ground Beetles in Florida

Ground beetles make up one of the largest groups of beetles in North America, with more than 2600 species. They are a common beetle species in Florida and an important natural predator in pest control. These beetles are part of the Carabidae family (which includes many species, such as Calosoma, Carabus, and Agonum) and contribute to biological control, helping to reduce pest populations. They are very common outdoor insects that occasionally become pests by wandering into houses and buildings by mistake.

What Do Ground Beetles Look Like?

Most ground beetles are shiny, black or brown, and sometimes iridescent. Because they are both dark and move quickly, they are often mistaken for cockroaches. 

However, ground beetles are harmless, while cockroaches  can cause bigger problems. 

Ground beetles vary in size, usually 0.5 to 1 inch long. They have metallic or iridescent bodies; some species have shiny elytra (wing covers). Ground beetle larvae (baby beetles) are smaller and look different from the adults. These larvae have mandibles to hunt and feed on other insects.

Signs of a Ground Beetle Infestation

If you have a ground beetle infestation, you may see live beetles in and around your home, especially near windows or doors. Once inside, they might be found in soil or around weed seeds. 

Adult ground beetles are mostly active at night and prefer dark places. During the day, they hide in cracks, crevices, or under debris. You might also spot ground beetle larvae, which feed on smaller pests inside your home.

Habitat, Diet, Life Cycle & Behaviors


Where Do Ground Beetles Live?

Ground beetles are commonly found outdoors under objects such as wood, logs, rock, and other debris on the ground. During the summer, in many parts of the country, ground beetles appear in tremendous numbers. They feed mostly at night and are attracted to porch lights and other exterior lights.

Ground beetles can become an annoyance by crawling into homes and buildings through small cracks or openings, or through open doorways and windows. Once inside, they can be found in hidden, damp areas in the basement or under boxes or other objects on the floor.


Outdoors, ground beetles are actually considered beneficial because they feed on insect larvae. They play an important role in controlling pests by feeding on insects that damage plants, like caterpillars, slugs, and aphids. This makes them beneficial for gardens and agricultural crops, where they help protect plants from harmful pests.

Ground beetles are also active hunters as larvae. The larvae feed on small insects, including aphids, which helps reduce the number of pests in the environment. This hunting behavior makes them excellent for biological control, as they naturally keep pest populations in check outdoors.

Some species of ground beetles even eat weed seeds, helping to control unwanted plants!

Life Cycle

A ground beetle life cycle includes four main stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. 

Females lay eggs in the soil, where the ground beetle larvae hatch. The larvae hunt small insects and grow quickly.  As they grow, the larvae molt through several instars, becoming larger and stronger. After feeding for several weeks or months, the larvae enter the pupal stage, where they finally become adult ground beetles.

This cycle can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.


Ground beetles are most active at night and prefer dark, moist environments. As predators, they use their sharp mandibles to capture and eat other insects, such as slugs and aphids. These beetles are fast and skilled hunters, chasing down their prey quickly. 

However, during summer, ground beetle infestations inside a home or commercial building can be overwhelming for any property owner. 

Are Ground Beetles Dangerous?

Although certain species’ of ground beetles (like Pterostichus and Calosoma) are effective predators outdoors, these beetles do not damage household structures or furniture and are harmless to people and pets. When exposed, ground beetles move quickly to find shelter but rarely fly. Although certain species have been known to release odorous secretions when threatened, none will bite or attack humans.

How to Get Rid of Ground Beetles?

If you’re dealing with a ground beetle infestation, the best and most effective way to get rid of ground beetles is by contacting our professional pest control experts. Our experts use insecticides, traps and other biological control methods to eliminate both adult ground beetles and their larvae from your home. 

Experts will also help address any entry points, like cracks in walls or foundations, to ensure these beetles don’t return.

Contact Florida Pest Control for help with getting rid of ground beetles today.

Ground Beetle Prevention Tips

Preventing a ground beetle infestation is easier when you take early steps. Here are a few tips to help keep them out of your home:

  1. Seal entry points: Check for cracks or gaps in windows, doors, and around your home’s foundation, and seal them properly to keep beetles from getting inside.
  2. Remove debris: Ground beetles hide under rocks, logs, and other debris. Keep your yard clean and remove piles of leaves or wood near your home.
  3. Limit outdoor lighting: Beetles are attracted to light, so use yellow bulbs or keep outdoor lights off during the evening to avoid drawing them near your home.
  4. Maintain your garden: Since ground beetles thrive in gardens, regularly clear out dead plants and excess weed seeds.

For the best prevention, talk with Florida Pest Control. Our beetle control experts can assess your property and suggest long-term strategies tailored to your needs.

Do You Have a Ground Beetle Infestation Problem? We Can Help.

If you are dealing with a ground beetle infestation, always contact your local beetle exterminators. Florida Pest Control has the expertise to quickly and effectively remove ground beetles and other pests from your home.


Do ground beetles bite?

No, ground beetles do not bite humans. While they have strong mandibles for hunting other insects, they are harmless to people and pets.

Do ground beetles fly?

Some ground beetles can fly, as they have functional wings under their elytra (wing covers). However, most prefer to stay on the ground and rarely take flight.

Are ground beetles harmful to plants?

No, ground beetles are not harmful to plants. In fact, they are beneficial because they prey on pests like aphids and caterpillars that can damage crops and gardens.

How long do ground beetles live?

Ground beetles typically live for about a year. Their life span includes four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult, with adults often living several months.

What are ground beetles attracted to?

Ground beetles are attracted to moist environments, lights, and places with plenty of prey, like gardens or soil rich with insects. They may also enter homes seeking shelter.