Guiana Striped Scorpion


Actual Size: 35-60 mm (females), 40-70 mm (males)

Characteristics: These scorpions have a yellow body with a dusky pattern and two long dark bands over their mesosomes.

Legs: 8

Antennae: None

Wings: None

Habitat: Typically found under stones or tree bark, these scorpions’ natural habitats range from tropical forests to coastal plains.


  • Opportunistic and will sting in defense.
  • When they can’t find a place to hide in trees, they’ll hide in fence posts or within inner walls of Florida homes.

Guiana Striped Scorpion in Florida

Less common in Florida, the Guiana striped scorpion is known scientifically as Centruroides guanensis, these are mostly sighted in southern Florida’s warmer and more humid zones like Miami-Dade, Collier, and Monroe counties. This scorpion usually measures between one to three inches and is recognized by its primarily yellow body, though colors and patterns may vary. 

Though their sting’s effects are brief, lasting between one to five hours, it’s still an unpleasant experience. They possess a venom that’s considered mild compared to other scorpion species.

Guiana Striped Scorpion Habitat

Guiana striped scorpions are elusive and tend to hide under stones, bark, or amidst dense vegetation. Outside Florida, they are also natives of Cuba, the Bahamas, and other Caribbean islands, thriving in similar climates.

Guiana Striped Scorpion Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Although their venom is mild, it doesn’t mean the Guiana striped scorpion sting is to be taken lightly. It delivers a sharply painful sensation upon envenomation, with aftereffects that can linger for anywhere between one to five hours, adding to the discomfort of an unfortunate encounter. If you spot a scorpion, contact a professional scorpion exterminator for prompt pest control.