Should You Be Worried About Dengue Fever in Florida?

Should You Be Worried About Dengue Fever in Florida with Florida Pest Control in FL

Recently, the buzz around Dengue fever has grown, especially with the disease’s creeping presence into the United States. For those in Florida feeling uneasy about Dengue fever knocking on their doors, the outlook is promising: the risk is minimal.

Understanding the anxiety surrounding this issue, we’ve crafted a guide to arm you with crucial insights on Dengue fever, including its transmission methods.

How Is Dengue Fever Transmitted?

The disease spreads through the bites of Aedes mosquitoes carrying the infection. Contrary to some misconceptions, Dengue cannot be passed directly from one person to another. However, once a mosquito feeds on an infected individual, it becomes a vector for the disease, potentially infecting others. This transmission chain is common in areas where Dengue is widespread.

What is Dengue Fever?

Affecting over 100 countries across Africa, the Americas, the Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands, Dengue fever sees between 100 and 400 million new cases each year. Although many cases don’t show symptoms, approximately 500,000 individuals experience severe illness, and around 40,000 succumb to the disease annually.

Dengue fever symptoms include:

  • High fever
  • Intense headache
  • Eye pain
  • Muscle and joint ache
  • Tiredness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Skin rash, emerging two to five days post-fever
  • Minor bleeding episodes (nosebleeds, bleeding gums, or easy bruising)

Should You Be Concerned About Dengue Fever?

The likelihood of contracting Dengue fever within the United States remains exceedingly rare, akin to lottery odds. In 2023, Florida reported only two cases of local transmission, highlighting the remote risk.

Yet, these instances underscore the potential for mosquito-borne diseases to expand into new territories. Various theories exist regarding Dengue’s emergence in previously unaffected locations. For current statistics on Dengue fever within the United States, the CDC offers up-to-date information.

Mosquito Control Experts in Florida

While Dengue fever constitutes a major concern globally, its presence in Florida is notably low. If mosquito activity worries you, Florida Pest Control provides dependable mosquito management solutions. Our expertise ensures your environment remains secure against mosquito-related dangers, offering you tranquility.

What Are Some Common Pests Found In Warehouses?

Commercial Warehouse Pest Control with Florida Pest Control in FL

The large layouts of warehouse properties offer pests a wide selection of corners, cracks, drains, and other locations for hiding, feeding, and breeding. The open doors and loading docks easily invite pests in, and the constant shipments can transport new inhabitants of pests. With all the moving pieces of warehouse function, it can be easy to overlook an emerging infestation.

If you work in, manage, or own a commercial manufacturing facility warehouse, it’s essential to be aware of which pests could cause issues for you and your facility. Here are some of the most common pests found in warehouses and the problems they may cause:


Potential problems: Cockroaches are potential vectors for bacteria, such as E. coli and Salmonella. Further, these pests leave pungent odors and unsightly spots on floors, walls, and equipment. Cockroaches live and thrive in the materials found in warehouses, including wood and cardboard boxes. They will usually come into warehouses or businesses via shipments and deliveries. Cockroaches can be difficult to find as they live in dark cracks and crevices. Unfortunately, this means that large populations can develop before they are noticed. 


Potential problems: High ceilings, rafters, and open beams make attractive nesting and perching spots for birds. Besides unsettling and distracting swooping and chirping, birds pose danger with their unsanitary droppings. These droppings can contaminate whatever it touches, including products and equipment. These droppings carry pathogens that cause numerous diseases. It’s important to consider that some bird species are protected and must be controlled and removed with those regulations in mind. 


Potential problems: Rodents, such as rats and mice, can enter warehouses through cracks and holes the size of a quarter or dime, depending on exactly which rodent you’re dealing with. Rodents can reproduce at high rates, establishing large infestations over a short period. These infestations should be addressed quickly as rodents can cause several diseases and leave behind unhygienic droppings that contaminate products, and equipment. Droppings also threaten the safety and health of workers, visitors, and customers. Further, rodents are prone to gnawing, which can damage electrical systems, packaging, products, equipment, and structures. 


Potential problems: Flies can infiltrate your warehouse through open doors, windows, cracks, and other openings. Beyond being a nuisance, flies can carry pathogens that can cause disease and help spread foodborne illnesses. Flies are known to be difficult to eliminate as small fly larvae can develop and thrive in warehouse floor drains, as well as in trash and recycling bins. This is especially the case in areas with warmer weather, leading to summer months causing large fly infestations. 


Potential problems: Nuisance wildlife pests, like raccoons, squirrels, bats, and other small animals, often seek the warmth and shelter of warehouse properties. In addition to these animals disturbing workers and visitors, wildlife can leave behind unsafe droppings. They can also damage structures and property, as well as your business reputation. Wild animals can be aggressive when they feel threatened, so hiring a professional may be the best course of action.

Warehouse Pest Control Experts!

It’s vital to keep in mind that the presence of pests may violate compliance and regulatory standards in certain industries. Florida Pest Control is aware of the importance of warehouse standards and has expert knowledge in locating and removing all types of warehouse pests. Florida Pest Control offers effective, specific, and fast solutions to your needs. Our warehouse pest control solutions strive to cause minimal disruption to your operations, plus proactive prevention and monitoring strategies to help deter new problems from starting. Contacts us today to get a free estimate, and take pests out of your inventory.

Bees, Wasps, and Hornets, Oh My! – Preparing for Stinging Insect Season

a wasp pulling its stinger out of a human arm

Most people look forward to the return of summer each year. They cannot wait to spend time enjoying the outdoors and the many activities Florida has to offer. However, the return of summer also signals the return of stinging insects. Just the sight of these pesky insects can send many people running or cause them to freeze in fear of nasty, painful stings. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to keep these stinging insects out of your yard, allowing you and your family to safely enjoy your outdoor space all summer long!

Types of Stinging Insects

Stinging insects can be categorized into three species; Bees, Wasps, and Hornets.

  • Bees can often be identified by their fuzzy appearance. These hard-working pollinators are an essential part of our ecosystem; pollinating many fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Honey Bees and Bumblebees are the most common type of bees and are fairly harmless unless threatened. Carpenter bees are known to cause extensive damage to homes, burrowing into wooden structures to build their individual nest. 
  • Wasps come in a variety of shapes and colors; Mud Daubers, for example, are mostly black and have extremely thin long waists. While Yellowjackets are bright yellow and black. They are one of the most common wasps you may see. Yellow jackets and Paper Wasps build easily identifiable papery nests from chewed-up wood fibers. Wood daubers, on the other hand, build distinct nests made up of many small mud tubes.
  • Hornets are extremely useful in keeping the insect population at bay. Hornets have a reputation for being extremely aggressive, like the Bald-Faced Hornet. These hornets have unique white and black markings and will attack anyone who gets too close to their nest.

Clearing Your Yard of Stinging Insects

Getting rid of stinging insects is a top priority for many homeowners. Below are a few tips to keep your yard free of these unwanted pests!

  • Use Traps: Traps are extremely effective at eliminating any stray wasps or hornets that may come to crash your barbecue but will not get rid of nests. 
  • Remove abandoned nests: Some stinging insects will return to abandoned nests in the spring. Most stinging insects will abandon their nests when it gets cold, making winter the perfect time to scout your property and remove any nests you may find. Call professional exterminators to remove any nests during any season to prevent stings!
  • Keep food covered: Wasps and hornets are often attracted to your food. Make sure to cover any food left outside to deter these pests from crashing your picnic.
  • Secure garbage cans: Stinging insects will often swarm dumpsters looking for leftover food or sugary snacks. Keep garbage can lids tightly closed to keep hornets and wasps away.
  • Landscape to keep pests away: Some stinging insects are attracted to bright flowers that produce nectar. To keep these pests away from your patio, plant peppermint, citronella, or lemongrass around your home instead!

Professional Extermination

Removing a bee, wasp, or hornet nest can be a risky endeavor. These nasty pests have painful stings that can send some to the hospital. Removing stinging insects from your yard should be left to the professionals. The experienced pest control technicians at Florida Pest Control have the expertise and equipment to remove any nests from your yard safely and effectively. At Florida Pest Control we want you to be able to enjoy your yard without worrying about being stung.

Don’t let stinging insects ruin your outdoor fun; contact us today for a free quote and let us handle the job!

Mosquito Control: What You Should and Shouldn’t Do

A child itching their leg with mosquitos swarming around them.

Mosquitoes are a problem every Floridian knows about due to the year-round warm and humid climate. While professional exterminators are the best solution to your pest problem, there are things you can do for at-home mosquito control. However, it’s important to know which mosquito control methods work and which ones don’t. . 

Dangers of Mosquitoes

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mosquito bites account for the deaths of more than 700,000 people every year, with a majority of these deaths due to malaria. Diseases from mosquito bites fall into Vector-borne diseases, which also include malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, and yellow fever. Along with diseases, mosquitoes also cause itchy bites that can cause an allergic reaction in some people. It can vary from redness and swelling to, in rare cases, severe allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. 

With these dangers, it’s no wonder that you would want to find a way to control mosquitoes around your home and yard.

What You Shouldn’t Do

There are dozens of DIY mosquito control methods on the Internet, but many of them are ineffective – and some could even attract more pests to your property. While some methods work, here is a list of the ones that you shouldn’t waste your time or money on:

  • Citronella Candles: These candles work in a small area, lose their potency quickly, and have to be replaced often. 
  • Bug Zappers: Bug zappers use an ultraviolet light to attract insects. Mosquitoes are not attracted to this light and it will kill more beneficial insects.
  • Coffee Grounds: Mosquitoes are not attracted to the smell of coffee and there are not enough insecticidal properties, such as caffeine, for coffee gounds to be a proven and effective repellant. 

What You Should Do

While EPA-approved DEET-based insect repellents work well, there are other natural ways that you can prevent mosquitoes from making you their next meal. 

  • Add Mosquito Netting: Outdoor seating areas are a buffet line for mosquitoes. By adding mosquito netting around your seating area and your doors provides a barrier from mosquitoes and other insects. 
  • Remove Standing Water: Standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. To avoid an infestation directly in your yard, make sure to drain any standing water. This water can accumulate in buckets, wheelbarrows, or debris in your yard. 
  • Outdoor Fans: Mosquitoes are weak fliers and their plans are thwarted easily with a swift breeze. By using multiple outdoor fans that oscillate, you can help prevent mosquitoes from easily landing on you and your family. 

Licensed Mosquito Exterminators

If you’ve tried some natural methods to eliminate mosquitoes but they keep coming back, it may be time to call a professional. Florida Pest Control are the mosquito experts. They have been protecting homes and businesses across Florida since 1949. We offer mosquito prevention services and long-term mosquito control to provide home and business owners with the peace of mind that these pests are taken care of. Call today to get a free quote! 

TAP Out with Pest Control Insulation

a cluster of ants gathered on the floor - keep pests away from your home with florida pest control

Pest control in Florida is an ongoing process. You might already know some of the helpful habits that can help deter any unwelcome guests from infesting your home. By clearing out clutter and keeping your food supply stored in airtight containers, you limit the appeal of your home to a variety of pests. These are the kinds of precautions you can take throughout the year – but what if there was an extra layer of defense you can take with no added effort? And what if this defense could actually make your home more comfortable and even more efficient? All of that is possible with TAP® Insulation, a service offered by the team at Florida Pest Control. Curious about why a pest control company would install insulation? Keep reading to learn more!

What is TAP® Insulation?

TAP stands for Thermal, Acoustical, Pest Control Insulation. Unlike batting or spray foam, TAP comes in the form of loose-fill cellulose that can easily be blown into the walls of new buildings or the attics of existing homes. Once it settles, it activates a very special superpower. Because TAP is treated with Boric acid, a naturally occurring mineral that cannot harm pets, children or adults unless ingested in large quantities. But when insect pests come into contact with it, they end up ingesting it through grooming themselves or other people. Insect pests are unable to pass Boric acid, and they eventually die of malnutrition or dehydration. And, with that, you’ve stopped a soon-to-be infestation without you having to do a thing.

While it is unable to kill rats or rodents, TAP can effectively control a wide range of pests. This covers ants and termites (especially Formosan termites), all the way up to snails, roaches, and many varieties of beetle. And that’s only the beginning of how TAP can make your home a more comfortable place to live.

Benefits of TAP® Pest Control Insulation

In addition to being a constant, effective pest fighter, TAP is a quality insulator. That’s because the cellulose that it’s made of slows the transfer of heat and leaves you cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. It can even do a passable job of absorbing noise from outside the home – not as well as spray foam, but better than fiberglass batting. Many of our clients love the reliability of TAP insulation, and how it remains effective nearly perpetually after the initial installation.

Of course, it isn’t a perfect insulator in all conditions. Cellulose is especially vulnerable to rot and moisture damage, so to care for it you need to make sure your attic isn’t experiencing moisture intrusion or a leaky roof. As long as that’s the case, you can enjoy an eco-forward insulator that’s made primarily out of recycled material.

TAP® Insulation From Florida Pest Control

There’s a lot to like about TAP insulation. Not only will it kill pests for as long as it’s kept intact, but it’ll also actually save you money. You’ll spend less on your monthly HVAC bills since your furnace and A/C will be able to function better and with less energy. And that’s not to mention the cost saved on pesticide treatments you won’t need. Don’t get us wrong, if you still need residential pest control we’re happy to help. But we’d rather have your house keep itself pest-free* on an ongoing basis. Contact us to schedule an estimate for TAP Insulation.